Monday, January 12, 2009

2009 The Starting of A Tiffany Lamp

Ok, I have discussed it , bought the patterns, collected the glass and now its time to start. I have all the pieces cut and sorted. I have picked out the glass to use and I have started my Tiffany Lamp. So keep following the blog and you will see my progress as I move along from day to day.

I have chosen to do the water lily by HL Worden, the molds you see are 1/4 of the pattern so that mean I have to cut every piece 3 times. This pattern has 390 pieces total. I know I am ready for the challenge, so here we go...


Bethany said...

I can't wait to see it finished! It will be great I know!

Glory of Glass said...

Thank you Bethany, I am hoping it turns out as I imingined it.